
M2E WTP 1.2

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  • #461856 Reply

    Chris Cranford

    There are several annoyances with the current M2E WTP 1.1 integration in MyEclipse2015 CI and I was curious when we’d see the M2E WTP 1.2 integration updated which includes a plethora of bug fixes to address ongoing maven integration problems?

    #463298 Reply



    I have escalated your query to the dev team. They will get back to you soon.

    MyEclipse Support

    #463720 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Thank you for asking – we have already integrated M2E WTP 1.2 for our upcoming 2016 release, based on Mars. This release is due towards the end of this month.

    Would this work for you, or must you have it in 2015?

    #464057 Reply

    Chris Cranford

    It would certainly be wonderful if it could be back-ported to the 2015 CI stream in the next CI update if possible.

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