
MobiOne PhoneUI Showcase

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    Edited: updated for MobiOne 1.1
    MobiOne Demo
    This demo showcases key MobiOne UI controls & features of the PhoneUI mobile web framework. The demo consists of 17 mobione designs linked to create a sophisticated mobile webapps in just a few hours without writing a single line of code:

    Demo: http://genuitec.com/mobile/mobione/1.1/examples/mobione-demo/start.html
    Src: http://genuitec.com/mobile/mobione/1.1/examples/mobione-demo/mobione_demo_1-1.zip

    Best viewed on iPhone/iPod, MobiOne Test Center or HTML5 desktop browser such as Google Chrome.

    This zip demonstrates a 17 page (design) mobile webapp created without need to write a single line of code. To run and test in MobiOne load the start.mobi design and then click “Run In Test Center” action
    See attachment mobione-demo-40.png
    Genuitec Mobile Team

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