
MyEclipse error when installing other plugins [Dup/Closed]

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  • #208231 Reply

    James Norris

    I get an error indcation when I try to install other plugins such as the Hibernate plugin:

    The current configuration contains errors and this operation can have unpredictable results.
    MyEclipse Core Tooling (3.7.101) requires plug-in “org.apache.xerces”.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version (EnterpriseWorkbenchInstaller_030800Beta1.exe) running under Eclipse3.0RC1 but still get the same indication.

    #208235 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    This is a known problem with the beta 1 build that will be fixed in beta 2. The full rundown on the problem (with a workaround) is available here:

    #208238 Reply

    James Norris

    Thanks – deleting the eclipse/configuration folder did the trick – too bad I didn’t think to export my eclipse settings first though 🙁

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