
myeclipse generated xdoclet needed?

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  • #223201 Reply


    when i create “new form, action and JSP” there is also some xdoclet code generated in my action class. this code is never updated again, when i change my struts-config.xml. so the @struts:action-forward and even @struts:action names aren’t correct anymore… but my application runs fine.

    so do i really nead these pieces of code although my xdocled build property is set to dynamically? when do i need these pieces of xdoclet code?

    #223207 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    You don’t need the tags if you’re not using XDoclet to generate your struts-config.xml file. For simple applications that is an option, but if you’re using our source / graphical editors instead you may safely remove the tags to reduce confusion.

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