
.myeclipse.properties license file question

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  • #288386 Reply

    Wilbur Hong

    I tried following this thread and it doesn’t work for me.
    directory for plugin_customization.ini is C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.0.1\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.myeclipse.product_6.0.1.zmyeclipse601200710


    what I have done wrong??

    #288400 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Tellus-DT are you just trying to enter your own sub info or trying to set it up for redistribution inside the company?

    #288405 Reply

    Wilbur Hong

    I am trying to set this up, so we distribute this internally within the company by pushing myeclipse with Microsoft’s SMS to developers PC’s.

    #288407 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    The plugin_customization.ini file has to be in the appropriate Product plugin based on which one is being launched. If you did the All in One installer, then using the c.g.m.product plugin like you have above is right, but if you did your own install of Eclipse + MyEclipse (which I am guessing you did since you are putting this all togehter for internal distribution), it needs to be in the Eclipse product plugin dir, whcih is the SDK plugin dir for Eclipse Classic, usually something like: \plugins\org.eclipse.sdk_3.3.3.r33x_r20080129

    #288413 Reply

    Wilbur Hong

    yes. you are correct. we have our own version of eclipse (merged classic and j2ee distribution). I updated the plugin_customization in the exact folder that you suggested above, and I get still get prompted for subscription information.

    #288414 Reply

    Wilbur Hong

    I searched for all plugin_customization.ini files and found another one in \eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.platform_3.3.3.r33x_r20080129. when I added the LICENSE info, eclipse now starts with the myeclipse license installed. thx for your assistance.

    #288423 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Dang, nice catch. I knew it was 1 of those two.

    Also I wanted to point out that MyEclipse can sometimes have problems when installed ontop of the JEE distribution of Eclipse because it already ships all those libraries (WTP).

    The most stable setup is Eclipse Classic/SDK + MyEclipse

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