
myeclipse update to version 2023.1.1 fails

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by ronh.
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  • #697206 Reply


    I’m trying to update MyEclipse from Version: 2021.5.24 to 2023.1.1 but I’m getting the following error:

    INFO: Running processor [pulse.verify.copied.artifacts]; work [25] of [85]
    Jul 04, 2023 11:25:35 AM com.genuitec.pulse.installer.context.base.internal.UnexpectedErrorContextImpl addError
    WARNING: Unexpected error occurred: Copying of artifacts did not complete successfully; 86 missing of a total 1540 artifacts
    Jul 04, 2023 11:25:35 AM com.genuitec.pulse.installer.module.ui.progress.GenericProgressPage$GenericProgressJob run
    INFO: Skipping remaining processors; received jump to [id: fatal-error, action: goto, sequence: oneinstall.installer.upgrade.fatal.error]
    Jul 04, 2023 11:25:35 AM com.genuitec.pulse.installer.module.ui.progress.GenericProgressPage$GenericProgressJob run
    INFO: Finished running available processors
    Jul 04, 2023 11:25:35 AM com.genuitec.pulse.installer.machine.internal.SequenceMachineImpl runSequence
    INFO: Skipping remaining modules in sequence; received jump to [id: fatal-error, action: goto, sequence: oneinstall.installer.upgrade.fatal.error]

    Any idea what should I do? I have run it as Admin but didn’t work either.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by ronh.
    #697208 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Sorry to hear you’re running into this. In a few cases, updating can sometimes be problematic due to additional software installed or components that you have added / removed from the installation.

    When it comes to 2021 specifically, the most expedient way to fix this is to uninstall 2021 and install 2023.1.1 with the offline installer, rather than trying to “fix” the 2021 install. You can point 2023 to the same workspace so your settings will be maintained, but you will need to re-install any plugins you may have added to 2021.

    Hope this helps and apologies for the inconvenience caused.

    #697209 Reply


    Thank you Brian!

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