
NOTICE – MyEclipse 7.5 M1 Installers Deprecated

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  • #299462 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you have downloaded a 7.5M1 installed to try out MyEclipse 7.5M1 with and haven’t run the install yet, they are deprecated and you’ll get an error on validation when trying to install them as we’ve moved everyone to 7.5 GA

    We will have new installers for all platforms tomorrow for you guys and appreciate the patience.

    NOTE: If you have already installed the 7.5M1 version of MyEclipse, you are fine and can pickup the 7.5M1 > 7.5 update from the Dashboard and will be all set. This notice is only for brand new installs using the older 7.5M1 installer.

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