
package name canot be resolved

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  • #612680 Reply


    Hi, I have a problem when i try to create the name of package followed with the method name it tells me that “Sessions” which is the name of my package can not be resolved.
    btw : my package name was “metier.sessions” and i renamed it. but it seems like it s stuck with the old name.
    Can you please help me?

    #612681 Reply


    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    List<Evenement> lst= Sessions.listEvenementsIncomp();
    request.setAttribute(“lst”, lst);
    this is some code of my servlet, i made sessions in bold just to say that the problem is there.

    #612703 Reply



    It is not clear why you are accessing a method using package name instead of the class name.
    It is possible that some of the references are not updated.

    Can you please let us know if you are working with Eclipse or MyEclipse? If you can send us the zipped project, we can take a closer look at what is going on.

    Genuitec Support

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