
Problem deploying on J2EE server

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  • #252930 Reply


    Hi, I’ve 4 projects, 1 Web, 1 Ejb and 2 Common Libraries. Because I have several enviroments I put in my properties files tokens (like @tokenName@) that I change it by ant task, this task change the token by a value for the enviroment where I’m working

    I’m my Web and EJB project in put in Java Buld Path->Projects the other two projects (common libraries). This common libraries has the properties with the tokens.

    The problem that I have if when I make a deploy on a J2EE server the deploy compile and copy the files from the source so my properties have’nt got the change that I need and my app doesn’t work.

    Any body can said what can I do to change the properties when I making the deploy.


    #252951 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    There are no hooks in the MyEclipse deployment step to allow you to put your Ant task into that operation. You will need to do that step manually before you deploy.

    #252958 Reply


    Riyad, I thin that the problem is when I put in Java Buld Path->Projects the other two projects. But if I put the out path in Java Buld Path->Libraries works fine but I lost the debug over the common libraries.

    Any suggestion?

    #252961 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you need debugging, be sure to attach the Source to the JARs once you add them in the build path. Select them and choose “Attach source”

    #253120 Reply


    Riyad, that works fine, thanks.

    Now I’ve another problem.
    I’ve two EJB (EJB_A, and EJB_B) each one have a EJB.jar in exploded format. The EJB_A works fine, but the other have a problem.

    The B’s bean extend A’s bean so I put in Java Build Project -> Project the reference two the A Project. With this solution I solve my problem when I make a redeploy, but when I start the Jboss without make a new redeploy I get an error saying that not found EJA_A’s bean class.

    In can’t put in the classpath of the server because it deploy first the class that found in the classpath instead of deploy the ejbA.

    Could you help me??


    #253139 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I would suggest making these the same EJB project if they extend eachother and not separating them across two projects. Or just combine them into one EJB.

    #253148 Reply


    The problem is that both are diferent app, and in production enviroment run in diferent jboss, but in our development enviroment we have only one jboss.

    The best way is tu put the class file inside the jar, but because I use exploded way I can’t do that.

    What do you suggested me??

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