
Problem getting new features

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  • #282301 Reply

    Phil Gibbs

    After I installed the mylyn/svn plugin I am no longer able to ‘find & Install’ new features. I get an error saying that there was a problem loading ‘feature.xml’. I know that every feature has a corresponding feature config file, but i can not find any missing ones. I deleted all the rrelated plugins from the plugins and features directories, but still have the problem.
    Other than re-installing Eclipse and MyEclipse can anyone suggest a fix?
    MyEclipse version 6.0.1 build 200710, Eclipse version 3.3, win xp/pro sp2

    #282307 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you go to Help > Software Updates > Manage Configuration, you should see a hierarchical map of all the features and plugins installed. As you expand them, you should see ones marked with errors.

    The Update Manager will short-circuit if ANY install problem is found ANYWHERE, so the mylyn/svn issue may not even be related to what you are trying to install.

    #282319 Reply

    Phil Gibbs

    Thanks. Unfortunately, every entry in the install log indicates ‘success’. Any more ideas?

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