
Proxy settings for 4.1GA Web 2.0 browser

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  • #248514 Reply



    There seems to be no way to set proxy settings for the 4.1GA Web 2.0 browser.

    The proxy settings for the normal MyEclipse browser do not seem to work?

    #248538 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is a known bug, I have added your comments to it.

    #248545 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Currently, the Web 2.0 browser is intended to be used solely for debugging
    Javascript applications either directly or on a server deployed on the local
    machine. As a result, proxy settings are considered a low priority item.
    However, we may have missed a valid use case with our assumptions.

    Can you explain your proxy usage in a debugging scenario? With a valid subscriber use
    case that requires this addition, the enhancment request will get a higher
    priority and be assigned to a development timeline more quickly.

    #257058 Reply


    i have the same Problem and i writing a google maps application. a part of all needed java-script comes directly from the google servers and also the maps. If i can’t use any proxy, Java Script debugging is not helpfull for me

    #257113 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for the input, this is a valid use case that we hadn’t considered.

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