
Redeploy with changed XHTML only

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  • #330035 Reply



    we have another annoying problem here:
    If we redeploy our application with changes in XHTML (JSF), WebSphere won’t load the changes so we still see the old version in the browser.
    If we change java code too everything works fine.

    We use “Packaged mode” for deployment and WebSphere

    The EAR in “installableApps” doesn’t get updates. I think it even is the version of the first deployment, but i’m not sure.

    But: In “installedApps” the files are up-to-date, so I’m not sure if it is a MyEclipse or a WebSphere problem.

    Nevertheless a hint or fix would be great.

    #330077 Reply


    striebhz ,

    It looks like an issue with Websphere 8.0.

    1. Do you see this issue only with changes made to XHTML files? Do the jsps work fine?
    2. Can you please try removing the project and deploy it again and see if it reflects the new changes?
    3. Can you please also check if restarting of the server shows the correct version of the files ?

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #330084 Reply


    Currently, we don’t have any jsps.

    But yes, removing and deploying or restarting the server fixes the problem.
    We can also work around the problem by simply deploying twice. On the second deploy, MyEclipse states that there are no changes and performs a full redeploy.

    That way it works but it’s a very time consuming approach. Are there probably some cache files which should be deleted?

    #330085 Reply



    If it is working fine when you restart the server, then its a WAS issue and I suggest you check on WAS related support forums for the fix.

    Hope it helps.

    #330118 Reply


    I will ask there for help, but shouldn’t MyEclipse support the users developping their applications and provide a workaround for that problem?

    How does RAD handle that?

    #330148 Reply



    We do support applications for Websphere and provide workarounds if the problem is with MyEclipse.

    In this case, its the WAS issue and I am afraid I cannot provide a workaround. You will get better support in WAS forums for this issue.

    Sorry for inconvenience caused.

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