
running out of memory

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  • #225232 Reply

    Erick Dovale

    Has anyone experience a high memory consumption with eclipse 3.1 and myeclipse 3.8.4??
    I recently moved to this configuration from eclipse 3.0.1 and myeclipse 3.8.3 and since then eclipse’s memory footprint has grow considerably from below 100MB to over 250MB.

    Any hint would be appreciated..

    #225252 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    If you are moving from Eclipse 2.x to Eclipse 3.x, this is expected. The Eclipse 3.x platform is about 2x as memory intensive (but it brings a lot of nice new features with it). Also keeping in mind that MyEclipse consists of about 130 plugins, it isn’t unreasonable to shoot up in the 200MB+ range of memory usage.

    We highly suggest editing your shortcut you use to start MyEclipse and adding a -vmargs line like this:

    eclipse.exe -vmargs -Xmx256m

    That tells the VM it can grow to 256MB instead of the default 64, that should be a good amount.

    #225254 Reply

    Erick Dovale

    Hello there, thanks for replying.
    I did not moved from eclipse 2.x. The change I did was from 3.0.1 to 3.1 and from myeclipse 3.8.3 to 3.8.4. The memory footprint has increased in an irrational way from over 100MB to over 250MB. There is very noticible delay when recompiling jsp pages. 1 simple change in a jsp page will cause a rebuild of (I believe) the whole project and during this time eclipse becomes irresponsive.
    Is there a way to know what is causing such a large memory use???
    I am using windows XP. In the task manager eclipse reports to be using over 250mb but when I add up the memory of the processes there is some considerable amount of memory that is not been accounted for. When I close eclipse the memory released amounts for over 400MB which is way more that the amount been reported by eclipse and tomcat together..
    Any hint will be greatly appreciated.

    #225257 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you sure you are using 3.1M4? Are you sure that you grabbed the MyEclipse 3.8.4 BETA for 3.1M4? If yes to all of the these above, the only thing I can say is that a) we didn’t encounter this behavior internally during testing or with our external QA team and b) you might not want to use Beta software for production work. 3.1 final should be out soon enough (April IIRC) so if you can hold off it might be a good idea (unless you need the JDK 5 features, then I understand).

    #225261 Reply

    Erick Dovale

    I am not using JDK5.
    Now, is there a way to find out what is using this amount of memory other that rmeoving features one by one. Any log file or something like that?

    #225269 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Any log file or something like that?

    <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log

    Although the plugins do not typically write out their activity, only exceptions.

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