
SCSS support

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  • #526044 Reply

    Fedor Losev

    Are there any plans to add SCSS/SAAS support?

    Is there any recommended plugin that can allow normal autocomplete, CTRL+click navigation, syntax highlight and formatting?

    Along with quite poor (but improving) angular template / HTML support, SCSS is currently a weak point in Webclipse for Angular, I need to open IntelliJ to edit these.

    What comes now barely can handle rudimentary plain css and html and is very far from smooth experience of A2 template and scss editing.

    #526103 Reply



    I have filed an enhancement request to support SCSS/SASS. We will keep you posted about the support timeline.
    I am afraid we cannot make any plugin recommendations. Please check with development related forums like stackoverflow.com for better recommendations from the developer community.

    We appreciate your feedback and the suggestions for Webclipse.

    MyEclipse Support

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