
Setting -Xbootclasspath in Tomcat 4 Settings [Closed]

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  • #197426 Reply

    I´m trying to setup a bootclasspath for starting up Tomcat 4.1.8 from My Eclipse Workbench.

    In my first attempt, I put rt.jar after the visibroker.jar in the Xbootclasspath, but java.lang.object (as well as all the other types in the platform packages) couldn´t be found when I tried to start Tomcat.

    I´ve also tried to put rt.jar in the classpath (by using the Paths node in the Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Application Servers tree), but I got the same error message I´ve gotten in my first attempt.

    #197427 Reply

    [Submitted just for being notified when a reply is posted]

    #197430 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    First, I’m going to assume that visibroker.jar must be on the bootclasspath to operate properly. If it doesn’t, just use the append to classpath mechanism on the preference page.

    However, if it must be on the bootclasspath, rather than trying to configure the whole thing yourself, just append it. The instructions on how to do this can be gotten by opening a command shell and typing ‘java -X’. Here are the instructions, for convenience:

    -Xbootclasspath/a:<directories and zip/jar files separated by :>
    append to end of bootstrap class path

    So by specifying a JVM argument of:


    MyEclipse Support

    #197431 Reply


    Thank you very much.

    The /a option you mentioned made Tomcat startup correctly, but what really worked was a small variation of your reply: using the /p option of -Xbootclasspath in the JVM convfiguration.

    #197432 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    No problem. Welcome to the “community”.

    MyEclipse Support

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