
Source not found when debuggin jetty:run goal

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  • #308153 Reply

    MyEclipse 8.5 does not see project sources when debugging org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:run goal.


    At that I open the project with regular Eclipse with m2eclipse plugin installed everything okay. It sees project sources even for dependent projects.

    BTW I use the sole .launch file for both MyEclipse and regular one.

    Please fix that ’cause it makes myeclipse unacceptable debugger for maven war projects.

    #308175 Reply

    Hi vladimir.kovalyuk,

    I have escalated this to the dev team member, they will get back to you on this.

    Chakri Vedula.

    #308799 Reply

    Any news on that?

    #309180 Reply


    Another story:
    The issue lasts for about 2 years.

    #309192 Reply


    Is this issue getting anywhere??

    It’s a first class pain having to reattach the source for every debugging run.

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