
SSH Support Question

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  • #317515 Reply

    Pete Helgren

    I am attempting to get EGit installed and working with Github. All the instructions I have followed have a step where you navigate down to the Network Connections Preferences and set up the SSH key management options. In my case, there ISN’T an SSH preference option.

    The question is: How do I go about installing SSH support in MyEclipse so I can use EGit with Github?

    #317516 Reply

    Pete Helgren

    Sigh. So many preferences, so many ways to get to them. I was going to the MyEclipse–>Preferences–>General–>Network Connections route. That was wrong. I needed to go to Window–>Preferences–>General–>Network Connections and NOW I see the SSH2 options.

    Sorry for the noise….

    #317522 Reply



    Good to hear you are all set. Let me know if you run into any other issue.


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