
Subversive 2.2.2with My Eclipse 9.1

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  • #318806 Reply

    I have My Eclipse Ide 9.1 and I installed Subversive Plug using My Eclipse Configuration
    Center. All installation progress is ok.But when I add new svn repository, repository is added, But I receive Bad Request error while fetching svn location.Repository content can not be retrieved from server.


    Get repository folder children operation failed.
    svn: REPORT of ‘/svn/xxx’: 400 Bad Request

    My default SVN connector is SVN kit 1.2.3.When I change connector
    to NAtive javaHL 1.5.4, I am able to retrieve svn repository content.I read from that I must use
    SVN Kit as svn connector.Java HL is not advised

    Problem can be My Eclipse 9.1 Subversive 2.2.2 compatible problem?

    #318826 Reply



    Please note that MyEclipse 9.1 is based on base Eclipse 3.6.1 classic(Helios). Based on http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/2.0/releasenotes.txt – I believe subversion 2.2.2 only supports Eclipse 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.

    If you wish to add subversion, please use MyEclipse Configuration Center > Dashboard tab > Quick-Add Popular Plug-ins instead.


    #318827 Reply

    So to be concluded,If I want to use subversive 2.2.2 , MyEclipse version must be 9.0.
    There is no newer version for subversive in Quick-Add Popular Plug-ins

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