
Support Jelastic plug in?

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  • #332676 Reply


    I’m using MyEclipse R10.7 to build web apps. For one project I’m deploying a WAR to an Jelastic hosting server.

    Jelastic have recently launched their own Eclipse plug in for deploying WAR’s (see http://blog.jelastic.com/2012/11/13/jelastic-integration-with-eclipse/).

    Can you advise me whether this plug-in will work with My Eclipse?

    #332677 Reply


    We do not provide intrinsic support for third party plugins, but we will try to assist you in this case.

    If a plugin works in Eclipse Indigo then you can try installing that plugin in MyEclipse 10.7. I installed Jelastic in MyEclipse 10.7 successfully.

    Let us know if you see any issues.

    #332678 Reply


    Thanks for the response…

    One idea for your company to consider. On your web site maintain a list of Eclipse plugs ins that have been shown to work with the MyEclipse IDE.

    The info could be qualified with data to show
    * whether its an offically suported plug-in
    * if its not an officially supported plug in, the names of MyEclipse users who have shown this to work, perhaps with a reference to a blog posting/web page providing the details.

    #332746 Reply


    Thank you for the suggestion.
    I escalated your request to the dev team to investigate further. They will get back to you.

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