
Syntax error, annotations are only available if source level

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  • #318519 Reply


    EJB deploy failed
    Error while processing project MyappDSRules: There were validation errors:
    – CHKJ2802E: <ejb-class> class com.company.myapp.dsrules.ejb.DSRulesServiceBean, or one of its supertypes, cannot be reflected. Check the classpath.
    – CHKJ2805E: <local-home> interface com.company.myapp.dsrules.ejb.DSRulesServiceLocalHome, or one of its supertypes, cannot be reflected. Check the classpath.
    – CHKJ2800E: <local> interface com.company.myapp.dsrules.ejb.DSRulesServiceLocal, or one of its supertypes, cannot be reflected. Check the classpath.
    – CHKJ2802E: <ejb-class> class com.company.myapp.dsrules.ejb.DSRulesServiceBean, or one of its supertypes, cannot be reflected. Check the classpath.
    – CHKJ2803E: <home> interface com.company.myapp.dsrules.ejb.DSRulesServiceRemoteHome, or one of its supertypes, cannot be reflected. Check the classpath.
    – CHKJ2804E: <remote> interface com.company.myapp.dsrules.ejb.DSRulesServiceRemote, or one of its supertypes, cannot be reflected. Check the classpath.

    #318565 Reply


    usryjw ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue with MyEclipse.

    1) Can you please make sure that reported classes compile correctly inside MyEclipse workbench and that they are (as .class files) in project’s output directory ?

    2) Can you also send us contents of directory ${Workspace}\.metadata\.plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.ejbdeploy for investigation along with information about project’s location on disk and .project file ?

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