
Text – multi-line entry & wrapping

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    Working with Multi-line Text Component

    In 1.0M9 update-4 the Text component was extended to support multiple lines.

    How to Insert a New Line
    Use SHIFT+ENTER to insert a new line at the cursor location.

    Line wrapping
    A Text component will automatically wrap the its content when its width is resized. To resize a Text component select it by clicking the text once. An orange rectangle will appear around the text with small drag-handles appear on the left and right side of the component. Grab the left or right side of the component with mouse and drag it inward to narrow its width and force the text to wrap.

    Text Alignment
    You can set the alignment style of a Text component using it’s Alignment property. The available alignment styles are LEFT, CENTER and RIGHT.

    What is Automatic Width
    You may notice that when a Text component is initially placed its Width property is set to Automatic. During text entry, the Automatic size mode enables the Designer to grab as much space as needed to host the text as it is entered. The Text component’s bounds always expand towards the right. Automatic width mode terminates when a new line is entered or the user manually resizes the component’s width.
    See attachment text-component.png

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