
Trying to reverse engineer Java Entities

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  • #301017 Reply

    I am using MeEclipse 7.5 trying to reverse engineer java entities into UML diagrams to get an overview of the project I am working on. Neither the drag and drop nor the menu items are producing any diagrams even though I am following the steps in the tutorials.

    What do I need to do to produce diagrams of my application?

    #301018 Reply

    I am using Version 7.5, Build id: 7.5-20090609

    #301019 Reply

    *** Date:
    Monday, August 3, 2009 10:58:58 AM EDT

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1.0
    Java version=1.6.0_12

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 7.5
    Build id: 7.5-20090609

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 7.5
    Build id: 7.5-20090609

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.4.2.R342_v20090122-9I96EiWElHi8lheoJKJIvhM3JfVsYbRrgVIWL
    Build id: M20090211-1700

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.4.2.r342_v20081217-7o7tEAoEEDWEm5HTrKn-svO4BbDI
    Build id: M20090211-1700

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.4.2.R342_v20090122-7T7U1E9imVKz-A8Vz-p_jRS
    Build id: M20080703-0800

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework GEF

    Version: 3.4.2.v20090218-1145-67728084A56B4I233613552
    Build id: 200809101400

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.4.200.R342_v20090122-989JESTEbig-SVaL8UJHcYBr4A63
    Build id: M20090211-1700

    Eclipse startup command=-os
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.5\myeclipse.exe
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.5\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.101.R34x_v20080731\eclipse_1115.dll
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 7.5\../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar
    C:\Program Files\Genuitec\Common\binary\com.sun.java.jre.win32.x86_1.6.0.012\bin\client\jvm.dll

    #301020 Reply

    Also, the “Examples on Demand” will not load.

    #301431 Reply



    1) Is the menu item showing the UML item and the sub-sections?
    2) Where exactly are you getting the error?
    3) Can you attach some screen shots of the error?
    4) Are you trying to create UML1 or UML2 files?
    5) How did you install MyEclipse 7.5?
    6) Did you get any error while installing the MyEclipse 7.5?

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