
Unable to uninstall CodeMix Enigine after unistalling the CodeMix in Eclipse

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  • #584247 Reply


    After uninstalling the CodeMix plugin in Eclipse Oxygen, the CodeMix Engine still remains in my system and locks all the readable files such as .json or .xml.
    I even reinstall and re-uninstall both the plugin and Eclipse.
    Does anybody know how to completely and properly uninstall the plugin?
    Or does anybody the installation location / path in my macOS so I can manually remove them?


    #584275 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) It’s odd that the uninstall isn’t working – how are you attempting to uninstall right now?
    2) Can you tell us what version of CodeMix you have? Preferences > CodeMix
    3) The above page will also have a checkbox allowing you to disable CodeMix – so in your odd case, you could use this option until we figure out what’s happening.
    4) What problems are you experiencing with CodeMix, are you unable to edit any files in CodeMix editors? You can change the editor that’s used to open a file using the Open With context menu item or changing the preference on the Preferences > CodeMix > Languages > Preferred Editors page.

    #584380 Reply


    Hey Brian,

    Thanks for the rapid response.
    1. I tried to reinstall the plugin from the marketplace, then uninstall it. Also did this for eclipse.
    2. The version is CodeMix Engine 1.20.1
    3. Unfortunately, I do not see a checkbox for disabling. Please see the attached screenshot
    4. The reason I want to uninstall it are 1) I am moving from Eclipse to IntelliJ, 2) All my readable & edible files are default open by CodeMix which I did not like and need anymore.


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    #584388 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    1) Can you explain where you go to get that screenshot? It does not look like a screenshot from Eclipse – I’m attaching a screenshot for your reference.

    2) It looks as if you may be going into [user home]/.codemix/engine and running the CodeMix Engine.exe file directly – if so, this is not how CodeMix is intended to be used. The engine backs the plugins that run in Eclipse, and is not supposed to be executed directly.

    3) You can simply restart your machine (to ensure there are no CodeMix instances running) and delete the [user home]/.codemix folder – this will delete the CodeMix engine as well, I assume the plugins have already been deleted from Eclipse.

    Hope this helps.

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    #584400 Reply


    Hey Brian,

    Thank you so much for the help. It works.

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