
update problems

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  • #263522 Reply


    I am using Eclipse Version: 3.2.1 Build id: M20060921-0945 on windows xp, and myeclipse version 5.1.0 GA Build id: 20061111-5.1.0-GA. The configuration is in a very weird state. Every time I launch eclipse.

    It then says: New updates are available. Do you want to review and install them now? I answer yes.

    When I look at the list it contains: Eclipse Project SDK 3.2.1r321_v20060801_tQ1w49knTArT0F2 (as near as I can transcribed it). When I go ahead and accept it, it comes back with an alert box stating that there are duplicate conflicts, some of which are Myeclipse related: version 5.0.1 and version 5.1.0; there are some other conflicts as well. I tell it to go ahead and install anyway. Then it wants to restart eclipse. Once eclipse is up again, the same stuff happens all over again. I just say No to the updates, by myeclipse is broken. When I go to edit one of my html files, I see an error message in the window: Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: Widget is disposed.

    How can I straighten this out?


    #263673 Reply


    Have you tried reinstalling a clean eclipse and then MyEclipse 5.1.0? Once you get it installed, you can just point its workspace to your old one and should be up and running in no time.

    #263793 Reply


    I suppose that you have read-only Eclipse configuration directory (ECLIPSE_HOME/configuration).

    #263940 Reply


    You’re probably seeing this bug: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=167016

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