
Updating/Adding plugins has taken a major step backwards

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  • #293415 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    The extension mechanism existed up to Eclipse 3.3 then was replaced in favor of the new /dropins support which is coming back at the end of January with a Pulse update. When the time comes, you should be able to grab the plugin and feature contents and literally drop them into a /dropins folder under MyEclipse to have it load those.

    From MyEclipse 7.0 and onward we are not offering extended support for the older extension mechanism. On a side note most all ClearCase repositories will host-up the Eclipse Plugin for CC under a well-known location. There is an FAQ entry for that here: https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/clearcase-how-do-i-install-clearcase-in-myeclipse/

    #293416 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    jeffmira & others,

    There is a planned Pulse 2.4 update at the end of this month which (among many other things) adds back the support for the /dropins folder.

    #293445 Reply


    Will this update also restore the original Eclipse binary subdirectory within the MyEclipse install directory?

    I’ve recently come across a need to load components from the base Eclipse installation to perform code formatting in a ‘batch’ type mode outside any IDE.

    #293447 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Will this update also restore the original Eclipse binary subdirectory within the MyEclipse install directory?

    No, file layout on disk will stay the same.

    #293500 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Vince & Others getting prompted over-and-over for proxy authentication. This was specifically one of the NTLM-related proxy bugs we fixed in 7.0.1, the workaround to get it to stop prompted and work (and subsequently pickup the 7.0.1 update and work forever there after) is as follows:

    If you have previously saved credentials, you will need to delete the file
    stored in:
    <MyEclipse Install Dir>/Common/configuration/com.genuitec.pulse2.common.http/connection.storage

    This will remove any cached credentials and allow you to finish using the services you desire, as long as you don’t save credentials for your NTLM proxy server again until after the 7.0.1 update is applied.

    As it turns out the bug was related to how we were retrieving the stores credentials — we were doing it wrong resulting in never-ending prompts. This was just occuring with NTLM proxies though and should be fixed with the workaround and 7.0.1 update.

Viewing 5 posts - 31 through 35 (of 35 total)
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