
Upgrade to 7.5 causes all kinds of problems to MyEclipse

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  • #300173 Reply



    Just as others had experienced, I was forced to upgrdate to 7.5 from 7.1 a couple of weeks ago as well. After that upgrade, I got the NullPointerExceptions as reported previously by others. Luckily, I got that fixed by reinstalling Pulse. However, after that, I got the problems with security file and CVS. I ran Pulse reinstall many times since then. Each time after it just finished the reinstallation, everything seems to be okay. As soon as I restart the MyEclipse later, the both security file and CVS problems all come back. I am not really bothered by the security file. But if I could not connect to our CVS repository, I cannot check in my code. That is the BIGGEST problem. IT IS STILL HAPPENING and reinstalling using pulse does not help.

    Could someone point to a right direction on how to solve this CVS problem? Thanks.

    #300206 Reply


    Hi wangxian,

    Can you go to MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details and paste the information here for us.

    #300251 Reply


    I have wiped out the entire myeclipse from installed directory and registry, and reinstalled the All-in-one myeclipse 7.5. Now, it seems all okay. But that upgrade was really a mess.

    #300284 Reply



    Good to hear you are all set.
    Frankly I don’t have visibility of your issue as you haven’t supplied any error logs/screenshots. What might have happened is upgrade to 7.5 had somehow changed CVS parameters, thus you were not able to connect to CVS. Since you removed MyEclipse and re-installed using the all-in-one installer and added everything afresh, you have bypassed the error.

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