
Url / Port of mobile app

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  • #346353 Reply


    My mobile app runs here when I start it using MyEclipse Web Simulator:

    That’s a strange port and a strange path. Is it possible to let my application run on the JBoss server in a parallel web context to my EAR?

    Thank you very much!

    #346371 Reply

    Hi Lofi,

    The myeclipse mobile tools will launch the simulator in an app context on its own internal server. The simulator needs this server to work with full features. You can deploy your app content and manually load it in the simulator via the simulator’s addressbar.

    #346378 Reply


    Thank you, Octavio. Would it be possible to deploy it to the JBoss? The project doesn’t show up as an option in the deployment management dialog. If so, what would I have to set in the project’s preferences?

    I want to build the application with native app features. But it should also work as simple web application in case the user want’s to start it on the pc.

    #346443 Reply

    Hi Lofi,

    At this time MyEclipse HTML5 App projects support creating native (hybrid) apps as the only target. There is no support for dual deployment (as an app and as a webapp).

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