
Using iscroll5 on Molbione-migrated project

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  • #354210 Reply


    We’ve migrated a Mobione project to myeclipse 2015.

    When trying to add a mobile jquery selectmenu on a div containing a iscroll.js (4.x) version, the selectmenu does not open upon tap.
    When we remove the iscroll code on parent divs, the selectmenu opens upon tap.

    I’ve read that the latest versions of the iscroll.js (5.x) has issues like these resolved.
    But, when trying to use this version, we get a “iScroll is not defined” error message on phoneui.js file, causing the application to not run.

    What approach do you suggest to take to use the latest iscroll.js on a migrated from Mobione-to-myeclipse project ?

    Thank you.

    #354217 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Can you please share with us the MyEclipse Build Id from Help > About section ?

    I have escalated this issue to the dev team for further investigation. They will get back to you soon.

    Thanks for your patience.

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