
web module deployment [Closed]

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  • #197094 Reply


    I am using the new version of myeclipse:

    I have tried the getting started guide however when I get to part two ‘deploying and debugging’ the deployment step differs from the IDE.

    The guide shows an example of right click or main menu myeclipse deploy and undeploy options, these are not present.

    I have configured two deployment servers for the project.

    The deploy to j2ee server icon on the toolbar is the only method available [ but clunky 🙁 ]

    Could this be anything to do with the use of jdk 1.4.0 instead of 1.4.1 ?
    Or is it a difference between the help ?

    #197102 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    It’s a problem with the help documentation. The toolbar icon works, as you discovered, but the menu items have simply been renamed to “Add or Remove Project Deployments…” (or something like that 🙂

    MyEclipse Support

    #197103 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    By the way, I’d highly recommend you upgrade to JDK 1.4.1_03. JDK 1.4.0 has a very buggy debugger interface implemenation that has many documented problems while interacting with Eclipse (not just MyEclipse). You’re life will be easier and debugger functionality greatly improved with the upgrade.

    MyEclipse Support

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