
Webproj migrated ME2013, included project classes not deploy

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  • #342706 Reply

    Chris Hannemann

    I have web projects that I was using in MyEclipse 10. I migrated to MyEclipse 2013. The classes from included projects no longer deploy to the WEB_INF/classes directory.

    I imagine that some default build value changed. When I compare the build settings I do not see anything different.

    Does anyone know what setting I need to change. I have a lot of shared projects!


    #342709 Reply

    Chris Hannemann

    It seems the Deployment Assembly settings control this and they did not migrate over.

    I update them in Project Porperties->MyEclipse->Deployment Assembly.

    I clicked the Add button, selected “Project” and then selected the projects i needed.

    #342724 Reply


    Glad that you got your issue fixed. Please take a look at some key changes and new features in MyEclipse 2013 in the following link –

    Let us know if you find any further issues in MyEclipse.

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