
Webservice problem in Android Application built

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  • #341062 Reply


    Hi, this is my first project on Mobione and I start to like it. My project is to call webservice to retrieve data and show them in Mobione, it work fine in Test Center and data have display in Test Center, but after I have build an Android Application and installed in my Samsung s3 mobile, when I run this app, no data shown.

    Can anybody help me with this problem?

    I have enclosed this project, it should work on Test Center.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Richard Hau

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    #341102 Reply

    Hi richardhau,

    Thanks for reporting this issue. I’ve opened a bug and we are investigating. I will follow up with you as soon as I have more information.

    #341139 Reply


    Hi Octavio,
    Apparently the problem is a system defect in generating Android app, therefore there must be a target schedule on handling this bug? Furthermore, we also waiting for the solution to rollout our app to our users.

    Please give us a time schedule, instead of sitting and wait forever!

    Tks & regards,

    #341174 Reply

    Hi Richard,

    A member of the dev team(Vadim) has taken a look at your project and did some modifications to make it work -he changed your code so your click handlers work on any platform now. Let me know how it goes.

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    #341181 Reply


    Hi Vadim,

    I have replaced my version of files and generated the android app, it worked fine,
    but I have noticed that you have move some statements from _cusom.js to .mobi files,
    can you please give me the logic behind these change, so that I can avoid the similar mistakes in the future develop.

    Thanks & regards,
    Richard Hau

    #341183 Reply

    Hi Richard,

    jQuery.click() might not work when applied to M1 controls in some cases. So, if you have Mobione controls you’d better use Run JS Code actions for that.

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