
Website Downloads

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  • #327156 Reply



    I am a web designer and love the look of your product. As I am now getting enquires about mobile apps for small businesses, your product seems the best without having to go down the whole SDK route!!

    One local business owner has contacted me to ask if it is possible to have an iPhone and Android app, but NOT use the Apple and Google Play stores to host etc.

    They want to have a page on their website and have customers downalod straight from there and install onto their devices…

    Is this possible? …do Apple and Google still require “certificates” etc in order for the installs to take place?

    I would appreciate your feedback on how this could be implemented…



    #327181 Reply


    Yes, apples does require to go thru them, once its in the App store, they can still have a link on their website that sends them to iTunes and lets them download it from there. But yes still gotta go thru them, no way around it really. I dont know about androids, never worked with them.
    By the way, quick question, I also in this, made an app for a small company, simple yet useful, talks about them and lets it send service order thru email. how much you think its worth ?

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