
WebSphere deployment and application start stop start cycle

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  • #290886 Reply


    Hello Support,

    I have a question concerning the EAR deployment to WebSphere.

    When I deploy an EAR to a running WebSphere AS my application gets
    1) Deployed
    2) Started
    3) Stopped
    4) And started a second time

    Are step 3) and 4) really necessary?
    For deployments of langer application, these additional steps waste quite a long time.

    How can I tell MEB not to stop und restart the application after a sucessful deployment and application startup?


    WebSphere + EJB 3.0 FP
    MyEclipse Blue Edition 7M2 and 6.5.1

    #290911 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Great question. This only happens when deployed an EAR that contains an EJB module, the reason for it is that the initial deployment is a standard WAS install/deploy cycle, but to explode the EJB module to make sure it’s hot-swappable, we have to stop the app, explode the EJB then restart it (After it’s already been installed by WAS).

    If you don’t deploy an EJB module, it shouldn’t be doing that.

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