
Why are jars under WEB-INF/lib not displayed there? [Closed]

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  • #218690 Reply



    I’m using Eclipse 3.0.1 and MyEclipse 3.8.2. When creating a J2EE web project and adding libraries to WEB-INF/lib those libraries are not displayed under WEB-INF/lib but under the root of my project.

    As I am using lots of libraries the view in the package explorer is quite cluttered. Is there a way to get libraries displayed where they belong to?

    As I am quite new to both, Eclipse and MyEclipse, is this a ‘feature’ of Eclipse or MyEclipse?

    Thanks in advance.

    #218712 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is a feature of Eclipse to display “mounted” JARs as part of the root of the project (kind of a “classpath” view if you will). You can use the dropdown arrow at the top right of the package explorer and filter our .JAR files from the list if its getting too cluttered.

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