Posted on Feb 26th 2014

I was spending some time this afternoon in our Twitter account, just checking out how our raffling was doing and stumbled across some pretty freaking awesome support - it seems that we're getting some love via "Favorited" tweets from characters in Games of Thrones.

Take a look:

GOT_tweet_collectionWe're thrilled to see this level of support for our raffle - and it's kind of funny to see fictional characters liking the real world stuff we're doing.

If you've not yet entered our Valyrian Steel raffle, you can do so at the link below for a chance at winning a Catspaw Blade or Loras Tyrell helmet.


In addition, you can also score 1 of 3 licenses to the new Elder Scrolls Online game for being a top referrer and sharing your personalized URL on social networks.

Enter the Game of Thrones raffle here: