Brian Fernandes
Director of Customer Engagement - Loves technology and almost everything related to computing. Wants to help you write better software. Follow at @brianfernandes.
Posted on Sep 16th 2020

This release of MyEclipse is so full of new features, we don’t know where to begin! With improved Java 14 support, a new base version of Eclipse (2020-06), Wild Web Developer integration, and “container city” with Quarkus, OpenShift and Docker, this release has all bases covered.

Note: If you’re upgrading to this version of MyEclipse from a prior release, you will be asked whether you want to install Quarkus, Docker and OpenShift tooling. For new installs, these components will be installed out of the box. You can remove these components at any time using the Help > Choose Components dialog.

Java Improvements and Java 14

MyEclipse now ships and runs on Java 14, so you are ready for this version of Java out of the box. Of course, you can continue to work with and compile against earlier versions of Java.

Specifically on Java 14, there’s a new Record wizard and template, along with support for the new Switch Expressions and text blocks. Do note that some of these are preview features which must be specifically enabled using Configure > Enable preview features from the project’s context menu. 


General Java development has received performance improvements in the form of non-blocking completions for content assist. Our other favorite features are the ability to inspect synthetic variables during debug and the new code clean up options.

For more details, please read the JDT new and noteworthy.


If you haven’t heard of Quarkus yet, now’s the time! It’s a Kubernetes Native Java stack for HotSpot or the GraalVM, using the best Java libraries and standards out there. We’ve integrated Quarkus Tools from JBoss Tools to bring Quarkus support to MyEclipse. What support are we talking about?

The new Quarkus Project Wizard helps you easily select the required dependencies when creating a project.

The application.properites file is where you configure Quarkus applications. The editor provides detailed content assist for properties, based on your project’s configuration and it will also validate the file.

The Quarkus Application launch configuration can be used to run and debug your application.

Docker and OpenShift

Need to manage the scores of Docker images you have and containers you have running? Look no further than the integrated Docker Explorer.  You can download images using the Pull Wizard, customize how you run them with the launch configuration, and a handy Dockerfile editor to easily configure your container. Our Docker support comes from Eclipse’s Linux Tools Project and you can find out more about the tooling here.

Now, if you’re developing on OpenShift, we’ve integrated Open Shift tooling from JBoss Tools—a wizard to create new OpenShift applications, Server view integration allowing you to start and stop your container, as well as a dedicated Open Shift Explorer are just the highlights of this feature set. In the coming weeks watch out for more content from us, helping you make the most of MyEclipse for container development and deployment.

Wild Web Developer

With the integration of Eclipse’s Wild Web Developer (WWD) project, support for a number of additional web languages/frameworks is now available in MyEclipse. Several technologies supported by WWD are already supported by vanilla MyEclipse, with advanced support for these and more available if you’ve been using CodeMix. The WWD integration works alongside existing support so that you now have the power to choose the tools that suit your needs. To use the WWD support instead of in-built MyEclipse support, bring up the context menu on the file, and choose Open With > Generic Editor.


Enabling Language Servers

You may see a warning about Language Servers being disabled – in this case, please go to Preferences > Language Servers and enable the server you need. Do note that some of these servers need a globally installed version of Node on your system to function, and you could see errors in the IDE about not being able to find Node if you don’t have it installed. We will be working on improving this integration in the coming releases.


WWD provides support for dozens of languages and frameworks, like the Quarkus application.properties file discussed above, to SASS, TypeScript and even Angular. For a full list, go to Preferences > Language Servers. Support provided includes Validation, Content Assist, basic refactoring and analysis. There are also launch configuration that allow you to debug against applications running on Firefox, Chrome or the Node runtime.

Miscellaneous Enhancements and Fixes

  • Our JBoss AS connectors would often double up as JBoss EAP connectors—this release now includes dedicated JBoss EAP connectors for your use. We have also added a Wildfly 20 connector.

  • The integrated BuildShip tooling has been updated from version 3.1.3 to 3.1.4—a bug preventing Gradle projects from running with Java 14 has also been fixed.

  • We don’t know about you, but we love font ligatures and with this release, proper Ligature support comes to Windows. Just make sure you specify a ligature-capable font at General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts > Basic > Text Font. Need a recommendation? Try Microsoft’s Cascadia Code.

  • How many times have you used the new file wizard only to realize you hadn’t created the folder structure yet? Well, you can now specify new folders in the file wizard too!

  • In the Git Repositories view, a handy Filter Tags action allows you to see only the tags you’re interested in. When cloning a repository, you have the option of cloning from a local bundle file too.

  • Integrated version of Spring Tools Suite received a minor bump from version 3.9.12 to 3.9.13.

  • Due to an improper library configuration, the deployment of JAX-WS 2.1 projects could fail under some circumstances – this has been fixed.

  • Editing XHTML files in a JSF project could lead to several IOOB exceptions being logged – this no longer happens.

For any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to us via our forums or Twitter