Posted on Jan 9th 2015

When selecting software that’s key to your business, the open-source option often looks like a no-brainer solution. No up front costs. Download and go. But for something that’s integral to the financial success of your business, make sure you resist the initial desire to go the "free" route and really investigate the more subtle costs associated with software ownership.

Team Leads Fed Up with Fixing Breaks Due to Team IDEs 

To help you see what we’re talking about, we’ve pulled together a cost comparison of Eclipse and MyEclipse. You might be surprised at some of the additional costs associated with Eclipse that are already covered with a subscription of MyEclipse.

Not only do these cost points apply to Eclipse and MyEclipse, but they apply any time you consider an open-source software solution. The point is, be informed about the open-source software you’re considering. Remember the iceberg - what you see on the surface doesn’t reveal the mass hidden below.
