Posted on Jun 6th 2011

MyEclipse for Spring 9.0 (ME4S) was released almost two months ago, and the feedback has been excellent. We’re happy to see so many developers and corporate IT shops share our belief that MyEclipse for Spring is the best IDE for Spring development. Frankly, there just isn’t any other IDE in the market that packs in as many Spring development tools into one bundle. One of the exclusive tools in ME4S is Software Component Generation, and the value proposition is very simple...the more software components you can generate, the less code you’ll have to write by hand.

ME4S has an extensive set of the basic tools that all Spring developers need in an IDE, including editors, content assist, and refactoring support. While these basic tools are important, these tools are only focused on code editing. Granted....these tools will save the developer a few steps here and there, but that hardly represents the peak of productivity. That’s where the advanced tools in ME4S come in to play. ME4S can generate custom software components a lot faster than writing them by hand. The software components reflect best practices, don’t introduce any additional runtime dependencies, and look exactly like they were written by hand.

An IT shop recently shared with us their experience with using ME4S to migrate a homegrown PHP/MySQL web application (~150 tables) to an Adobe FLEX application with a Spring backend. Using the ME4S software component generation tools, the IT shop was able to produce, among other things, the data access components (JPA/Hibernate), the service components (Spring), and the user interface list/view/edit components (Adobe Flex) for all 150 tables in less than one day. That’s over 800 java classes, 500 mxml files, and 300 actionscript files. Needless to say, they are extremely happy the amount of time (and money) that ME4S has saved them.

ME4S 9.0 is the present version, and it can generate software components for Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring Security, REST, JAX-WS, Adobe Flex, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), iPhone w/ iWebKit, JPA, DAO and JSF 2.0/Primefaces. If you haven’t tried ME4S, we encourage you to check it out with a free 30-day trial. And, let us know if you have an idea for additional software components that you would like see generated.