Srivatsan Sundararajan
Senior Manager, QA for MyEclipse, DevStyle and CodeTogether.
Posted on May 19th 2016

This article completes the series on ways you can boost productivity with MyEclipse. If you happened to miss my other articles, refer to the first article for setup information and the second article for coding and navigation tips.  

App Server Connectors

MyEclipse provides nearly 20 application server connectors out of the box, providing you the ability to seamlessly deploy, execute, and test MyEclipse Java EE applications.

Application Server Connectors


In addition to the above, MyEclipse comes with an embedded Tomcat server and Derby database out of the box to help you get started with development as soon as the workbench is opened.


MyEclipse Sandbox Servers



Exploded Deployment

All servers supported in MyEclipse contain the development centric exploded deployment mode where the entire application resource structure – folders and files – is copied by the application server connector to the server’s special deployment location for exploded archives. The MyEclipse Deployment Service, using “Sync-on-Demand” technology, keeps all MyEclipse project deployments synchronized with all source changes in their corresponding MyEclipse project. This mode is useful when you want to test your local changes quickly without having to rebuild or repackage your entire application.

WebSphere In-Workspace Deployment

The hybrid in-workspace deployment mode for WebSphere deploys EAR and WAR files directly from the workspace location rather than being copied to the WebSphere profile location. This is the fastest mode, but can be used on EAR projects only. Synchronization of resources and code is handled by WebSphere directly. This mode is most appropriate for rapid application evolution while debugging.

Testing and Preview

Live Preview

View changes made to HTML, JSP, XHTML and CSS files live on a browser without having to redeploy your project, restart the server and refresh your browser.

Live Preview in action


Miscellaneous Utilities


Stuck with a particular technology or framework or don’t know how to get started on a particular framework? The Learning Center and the Examples sections on the Dashboard give you a jump-start on development in MyEclipse.

MyEclipse Dashboard



Need to get to a console to enter local or remote commands? Use the Terminal view without leaving MyEclipse.


Terminal View


Icon Preview

If you’re working with a large number of icons or images, the MyEclipse Explorer will show you a thumbnail of the icons, allowing you to quickly find the one you were looking for, without having to open each file.


Icon Preview


Screen Capture

On Windows, you can take screenshots quickly with the built-in screen capture utility.


Screen Capture Dialog



I hope you’ve enjoyed this series and discovered at least a few new ways to boost your productivity with MyEclipse. At Genuitec, we are always looking for new ways to improve modern enterprise development. If you have any suggestions or would like to share your own tips, we would love to hear from you @MyEclipseIDE on twitter or via the MyEclipse forum.

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