Srivatsan Sundararajan
Senior Manager, QA for MyEclipse, DevStyle and CodeTogether.
Posted on Apr 26th 2016

MyEclipse supports a large number of features, ranging from Java EE support of specifications like JPA and JAX-RS, to modern web capabilities like Angular JS and CSS 3. Given the breadth of the IDE, it can be easy to miss key timesaving features that have been added to MyEclipse over the years.

There are too many impressive features to discuss in a single article, so I will be writing a series of articles to spotlight how MyEclipse improves developer productivity and provides additional value over the standard Eclipse IDE. This article, the first in the series, covers project creation and code generation. In my next article I will cover code development and navigation, and then follow up with an article on application servers, deployment, testing and miscellaneous utilities.

Java EE Projects

Enterprise development is complex and MyEclipse makes it easy to include the latest and greatest technologies in your enterprise applications while continuing to support legacy technologies.


MyEclipse supports all the top frameworks like Spring, JSF, JPA, Maven and many more out of the box. All you need to do is make a few simple choices and MyEclipse automatically pulls in the right libraries and generates configuration files in the project with the correct settings. It also creates the project with the appropriate structure, based on the facets and versions selected.

MyEclipse Project Facets


Maven Dependencies Only Mode

Using the Dependencies Only mode, quickly test and use Maven’s dependency resolution prowess without having to move the entire project to a Maven based build.

Maven Dependencies Only Mode



In addition to a multitude of Java EE frameworks, MyEclipse also lets you easily configure dozens of JavaScript frameworks for use in your project. These frameworks give you superior content assist for selected frameworks along with documentation.

JavaScript Frameworks


Project Migration

Have a project developed in Eclipse or RAD that you want to try in MyEclipse? No problem. Just import the project into MyEclipse and migrate it to a MyEclipse project with a single click—no re-configuration needed, no need to fix your project setup, jars or libraries. The MyEclipse migration wizard takes care of everything.

Project Migration Wizard


Code Generation

MyEclipse supports a wide range of code generation scenarios, providing you a head start on code development and saving you lots of time in getting started with your application. MyEclipse includes support for code generation in the following areas:

  • Generation of EJB 3/JPA/Hibernate/Spring DAO code from relational database tables
  • End to end generation of a variety of Spring framework code like Spring-MVC, Spring Webflow, Spring Security, Spring DSL and much more with the “MyEclipse for Spring” scaffolding wizards
  • JAX-WS/JAX-RPC code generation
  • REST facade generation from JPA entities
  • Generation of code from UML1/UML2 models and vice versa

Spring Scaffolding Wizard


REST Facade Generation Wizard


Java-UML Generation


As you can see, MyEclipse delivers powerful enterprise development with multiple timesavers that help you get up and running in little time. Be on the lookout for my next article where I will explore code development and navigation in MyEclipse. Click the Subscribe link at the top of this page to receive an email notification when our next blog is available. In the meantime, you can check out our website for additional features you might have missed.

Let Us Hear from You!

If you have any comments or questions, we would love to hear from you @MyEclipseIDE on twitter or via the MyEclipse forum. Happy coding!