
Configuring Delivery Groups

Delivery Groups organize packages for delivery to specific groups in your organization, thus simplifying sharing of packages with a team of engineers. You can create a public group, which is accessible by everyone, or you can make a group private and accessible by only specific users who must supply a password to access the group.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Add a new delivery group
  • Configure branding for the group
  • Specify group users and administrators

1. Add a New Delivery Group

  1. Click Groups in the Administration list in the Admin Console navigation.

    Note: To edit settings for an existing group, select the group in the Delivery Groups section.

    Configuring a delivery group
  2. Click addIcon in the Delivery Groups section to add a new group, or click duplicate_pkg_icon to create a new group by duplicating another.

    The Delivery Groups section lists the groups available for use. These are listed in the Delivery Group drop-down list when you create a new package and on a package’s Overview tab. When you select a group in the list, the Delivering Packages section displays the packages that are delivered by the group.

    To remove a group, select it, and click remove_icon. Before removing a group, be sure no packages are delivered by the group.
  3. Enter a name for the group, web address, and description, and then click OK. This name appears in the Delivery Groups list when you create a new package. The name also appears in the Name field of the Selected Delivery Group section.
  4. In the Selected Delivery Group section, click the Public/Private toggle to specify that the group is private and requires authentication to access. The default is Public.

    Authentication of groups relates to package authentication. If a user is a member of a group but doesn’t have access to a package based on package authentication level, the package will not appear on the group page for that user. If a group is set to private and a user is not included in the group, the user does not have access to the group page.

2. Configure Group Branding

A web address gives each group their own portal page from which to access their specific software. The main portal page is also organized by delivery group. Group and installer branding is part of delivery group configuration; therefore, the group landing page is easily identified by their group branding.

Group portal page displaying available packages

  1. On the Branding page of the Selected Delivery Group section, enter a web address for the group, which will be appended to the server, or computer, name and port. For example, if you enter webdev in the Web Address field, the resulting group URL is http://<hostname:port>/webdev.
  2. Enter a group description that appears on the main portal page when you expand the group and on the group portal page.
  3. If you want to supply a group branding logo, drag a logo file from your file system onto the Drop Here box, or click searchIcon to locate the file. The required height of the image is 70 pixels, with a width up to 400 pixels.

    To remove the file, click remove_icon.

3. Specify Group Users and Administrators

If your group is public, it is not necessary to add users to the group. You are required to add users to a group only when the group is private and requires authentication or if your are specifying a group administrator.

See Managing User Accounts for information about adding users to the system.

  1. Click Users in the Selected Delivery Group section.
  2. Enter search text to search for users to add, select a user, and then click addIcon  to add the user to the Group Users list.
  3. To indicate a user is a group administrator, click set_default_icon. To remove group admin rights, click remove_from_featured_icon.

    Adding users to a delivery group