
Creating an RCP Product Package

You can deliver RCP applications through SDC by specifying an RCP product within an Eclipse IDE package.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Create a basic RCP product package
  1. Follow the steps for creating an Eclipse IDE package, but select the RCP Delivery checkbox on the Overview tab. This adds an RCP Product tab to the package setup.

    Specifying RCP delivery
  2. Click the RCP Product tab.
  3. Select Based on Package if you have an application you want to run on top of the Eclipse IDE package. Select Product Line-up if you have a product line-up exported from Eclipse. In both cases, you must add your software to the third-party software library, and add it to the package as extra software on the Software tab. The options in the lower half of the screen change based on this selection.

    Eclipse IDE package RCP Product tab
  4. If delivering based on a package, select the Eclipse platform version and base eclipse package. Browse for your software. Based on your software selection, the ID and plugin fields are filled in for you. If delivering a product line-up, browse for your custom line-up.

    The easier integration is based on an Eclipse package; however, basing on a product line-up is a richer integration that allows greater customization for the delivery of your RCP. In addition, using a line-up IU also allows you to deliver a headless Eclipse application; you can have complete control over the delivery of software.

    To prepare a product for delivery, you need to create a Product Configuration File (.product) inside Eclipse, and then use the Product Export wizard. If you do not already have the Delta Pack installed from Eclipse for your Eclipse version, download it from the Eclipse project site and add it to your target platform. When exporting, you can choose to export for multiple platforms, as well as choose to make a repository for your software. The site created can be used by SDC for delivery once imported via third-party library.

    In both cases, if you have not yet added your application as extra software on the package’s Software tab, you are prompted to do so.

    Entering RCP product information
  5. On the Technologies tab, select the technology used for the RCP application, either a Workbench-based user interface, or SWT or JFace user interface.
  6. Select the method for in-product updates. You can choose to have no in-product updates, requiring users to get updates using installers. If you are using the Workbench-based user interface technology, you can choose the integrated UI for in-product updates. If you are using the SWT or JFace technology, your in-product update option is to use an API for custom updates.

    Selecting technology and in-product update options
  7. On the Platforms tab, you can specify the platform(s) your RCP product supports. If this setting does not match the setting of the package’s access policy, the intersecting platforms become the package’s platform settings. If no operating systems intersect, no installers are built.

    Specifying supported operating systems