
Specifying Package Access Level, Policies & Groups

Tailor packages for the level of access users have, the policies that should apply, and specify the groups associated with the package.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Set user access
  • Select applicable policies
  • Associate user groups
  1. Click a package’s Configuration tab.
  2. Select an authentication level from the drop-down list.
    There are four levels of access control for a package – everyone, authenticated, restricted, and admins only.
    Everyone – anyone can view and install the package from the portal.
    Authenticated – requires a password on the portal and in the installed package to install and use the package.
    Restricted – requires a user to be a member of a group associated with the package.
    Admins Only – indicates that only users logged in as a system or group admin have access to the package. This is useful for testing packages among your administrators before giving your users access to the package.
  3. To select access, security, and environmental policies, select a policy from the respective drop-down list. Click the respective View Policies link to view details of all policies.

    Access and Security policies determine how software is accessed, installed, updated, and changed by users. Environmental policies allow you to set common configurations that apply to multiple packages, keeping you from having to duplicate company-wide preferences in each package. Default polices are applied when you create a package. You can create additional policies for various scenarios in your organization. When you add new policies, they appear in the policy drop-down lists. See Administration in the Getting Started Learning Center for more information.

    Default policies and policies you create appear in the drop-down lists
  4. Click addIcon to select a group to associate with the package. The package will appear on the group’s portal page, if the access policy allows for group page display. The access policy settings allow you to display the package on the group page, the home page, both pages, or disables portal display.

    Delivery groups organize packages by groups in your organization. This organization provides teams, or groups, their own portal page that displays only their software. Associate packages with one or more groups. If you choose restricted authentication, a user must be a member of the package’s associated group in order to install the software. See Configuring Delivery Groups for more information.

    Note: The group’s Private/Public option affects the accessibility of the package. If you select a group that is set to Private, users excluded from the group will be unable to access the group portal page.

    If you want the package to be associated with all new groups created, select the Associate Package with New Groups Automatically checkbox. To remove an associated group, select the group, and click remove_icon.

    Groups associated with a package