Rocio Trujillo
Graphic Designer and Social Media enthusiast.
Posted on Jun 28th 2017

bob-win2We can all breathe a little easier now that Eclipse Oxygen has arrived! And just like the last Eclipse release (remember Neon?), this is a biggie!

  • 83 projects
  • 287 committers
  • 71 million lines of code
  • 664 contributors

Our development team is ecstatic about all Oxygen has to offer. When Ignacio Moreno (our SDC Product Manager) was asked to give a favorite, he couldn’t pick just one…but he did give several!

  • Generic Editor
  • Launch Group configurations
  • Code coverage plugin is now part of some flavors by default
  • EclEmma
  • The Java IDE and Standard (Committers) package

oldeclipseprefbuttonsAnd how about this…buttons now do what they say! For example, on the Preferences page, instead of the ol’ ambiguous “OK”, now it says “Apply and Close”. Ahhh, the little things in life.

With so many new features, you may find something you can’t live without. Take a look and decide for yourself.

And don’t worry, our CodeMix plugin, Angular IDE and Darkest Dark plugin are all Oxygen friendly. Plus, you can deliver Eclipse Oxygen securely with your own plugins via SDC! Or if you just want to get it the old fashioned way, visit our download page now.