
deploy to WEblogic from eclipse(wsad)

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  • #218398 Reply


    I am using WSAD for the devlopment. Using the weblogic plugin to publish and test in weblogic server. Everything works good.

    What is the best way to deploy the .ear exported from WSAD to weblogic.

    I am concerned about the stubs/skeletons for EJB


    #218423 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Actually, the stubs and skeletons will be generated by weblogic automatically on deployment. I should point out, however, that we don’t really support deploying on WSAD since we don’t test this configuration.

    #218458 Reply


    “the stubs and skeletons will be generated by weblogic automatically on deployment”
    Even if I just copy copy the .ear in to the weblogic application directories

    I just realized that this forum is from genuitec and for Myeclipse. I was using your weblogic plugin sometime back with WSAD , and I think you helped me a lot that time to make it work.

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