
DevStyle Theme – staged files fonts color broken

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  • #683917 Reply



    I updated my windows 11 to the latest version, after that myeclipse devstyle theme is broken. its not showing staged files in proper highlighted color. The screenshots are attached with the mail.

    Nirav Pradhan

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    #683920 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. Thank you for the screenshots.
    I ran few tests with DevStyle in MyEclipse 2022.1.0 on the latest Windows 11 but could not replicate the reported issue with highlight colors.

    Can you please give us some more details to help us investigate further?

    1. Are you seeing the issue with all the Dark themes? If you are on Deep Black, then please check Darkest Dark and other Dark themes to see how it works. If possible, please also check how it works in the regular Dark theme (Preferences > General > Appearance > Dark)
    2. Can you please check if you see the same problem in a new workspace as well? If yes, then please share the exact Windows 11 version and the MyEclipse version details (Help > About MyEclipse dialog).Also share the .log file located at workspace dir/.metadata/.log to help us check for any internal errors logged (rename the file to .txt and attach it here).

    Apologies for inconvenience caused.

    Genuitec Support

    #683923 Reply


    Hi Swapna,

    I checked with all the dark themes and new workspace. Its similiar issue. I’ve attached the OS version and Eclipse version screenshots.

    Nirav Pradhan

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    #683927 Reply


    Hi Swapna,

    I checked with all the dark themes and new workspace. Its similiar issue. I’ve attached the OS version and Eclipse version screenshots n log files.

    Nirav Pradhan

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    #683965 Reply



    Thank you for the details and the log file.
    Can you please clarify if the color issue is only in Staged Changes section? How about the Unstaged Changes section? Any other views displaying the same problem?

    Can you please switch to a light theme, restart the IDE, then switch back to the Dark theme and check how it looks?

    Genuitec Support

    #684966 Reply


    I’ve noticed the problem in the Debug view (Java), Staged Changes, and Replace Text Matches view. In addition, after opening a file from Package Explorer the file that is open loses the background highlighting until focus is given back to the package explorer or the mouse is ‘hovered’ over the package explorer.

    All happened after the latest Windows 11 update.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Jason.
    #684986 Reply



    We could replicate the UI issues with Dark themes on latest Windows 11. The dev team is looking into it.
    Thank you for your reports. We will keep you posted about our findings.

    Genuitec Support

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