
Display problem on 64-bit VM w/ Quadro gfx

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  • #247134 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The thing is that before ME 4.1, more ME dialogs were having trouble, but after ME 4.1 most of these were functional (fixed? / changed?). The exception being the Myeclipse-Web dialog tabs.

    I’m glad to hear that things are getting better, all of our work is straight JFace, and some of the dialogs you describe “Getting better” or being effect either a) were not touched between releases or b) are not part of MyEclipse, I really think what is happening is that the Eclipse team is most likely fixing bugs in the windowing toolkit that is propogating up the ladder to us.

    But earlier in the thread you did mention that when you install MyEclipse, everything works fine… is this still the case? That is what makes this whole thing so odd.

    I’ll poke around and see what I can find.

    #247135 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sorry just to confirm, you tried Sun’s 32-bit Client VM and it still didn’t work right?

    #247174 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Sorry just to confirm, you tried Sun’s 32-bit Client VM and it still didn’t work right?

    Yes, but it is being run on Windows XP x64.

    #247175 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    But earlier in the thread you did mention that when you install MyEclipse, everything works fine… is this still the case? That is what makes this whole thing so odd.

    At that time I had not discovered that the MyEclipse-Web dialogs were not functional, I only saw that the Java Build path dialogs didn’t work.

    I then re-installed ME, checked the Java Build path dialogs, and found them working. Later on I discovered that a restart of ME was enough – these dialogs worked OK on first entry after a restart.

    #247177 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    … so everything is working? This thread is long enough that I’m loosing context.

    #253506 Reply

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    … so everything is working? This thread is long enough that I’m loosing context.

    Finally, yes.

    On Eclipse 3.2rcX + ME5M1 + Latest (beta) drivers from nVidia, all these annoying screen update problems have finally vanished…..

    On any older SW version of any of these, the problem exist…

    #253517 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Glad to hear it, thanks for hanging in there with us for so long.

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