
Help needed to setup weblogic 8.1 using myeclipse

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  • #218753 Reply



    I am able to launch the debugger and step through, however, I am not able to see the evaluate the variables. Whenver I right click on a variable and click on “display” or “Observe”, I get the following pop-up erro message:
    Error Evaluating:
    The selected stack frame must be assiciated with a Java project in the work space to perform an evaluation.

    Also, as I step thru, the program abruptly terminates with this message:
    <terminated exit value 0>
    I am unable to see what this debug is doing and why the program terminates without going to other classes, from the main program,
    where I have set the breakpoints.

    I am using weblogic8.1
    Eclipse 3.0.1

    Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks


    #218759 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What version of JDK 1.4.1 are you using? I know that really random debugging issues occur with early versions of 1.4.1 and 1.4.2, however the latest 1.4.2_06 has fixed *many* obscure debugging issues here in the forums for our users in the past, you might try to upgrade to that?

    #218760 Reply


    Hi Riyad,

    Thanks for your reply,
    I am using JDK141_03 which came with weblogic8.1


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