
Sequence Diagram – Using object/class from the Class Diagram

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  • #310328 Reply


    Hi There,
    I am using MyEclipse version 8.0.

    Is there a way to use the EXISTING CLASSES (via drag and drop or any other way )in sequence diagram.This is pretty much same as drag and drop functionality for creating class diagram.

    Currently I need to type in the method name for each MESSAGE

    Please let me know If I should elaborate more on this.


    #310345 Reply

    Can you give some more information on this?
    1. Can you copy paste your installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details?
    2. Can you send us a screen showing us what exactly is the issue along with the steps to reproduce?

    #310359 Reply

    Thank you for the screen shots. You can right click on your class and from the context menu, select MyEclipse > Generate UML2 Sequence Diagram. In the new wizard that opens you can either create a new model or use an existing model.
    I have attached a screen shot for your reference. Let me know if that helps.

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    #311397 Reply


    Good luck with that though. Most of my classes will not generate a sequence diagram. Only the very basic ones.

    #311409 Reply

    Are you getting any error when generating sequence diagrams? Can you send a sample file with which you are facing any issues. This will help us replicate your issue internally.
    Please send us the following details also for further investigation –
    1. Your installation details from MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details
    2. Any relevant errors logged in the log file located at workspace dir > .metadata > .log

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