
Spring + Hibernate

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  • #211407 Reply

    Thomas Trostel

    Since you’re already headed down the road to supporting Hibernate…. How bout throwing in Spring with its IoC support?

    Just a thought.

    #211411 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you explain in more detail what you mean by “support”? The more detail you give us the better, so we can address the needs of our users more accurately.

    #211415 Reply

    Thomas Trostel

    Hmm … Okay

    For those of you who haven’t seen Spring before there is a very good introduction located at http://www.theserverside.com/articles/article.tss?l=SpringFramework.

    Spring is a lightweight framework that sits somewhere short of a full blown J2EE deployment and is also extremely modular. It has been broken into 7 distinct modules:

    – Core: supporting utilities and their own bean container
    – AOP: source level meta-data and AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) interface
    – ORM: (Object Relational Mapping) with support for Hibernate, iBaits, and JDO
    – DAO: Transaction infrastructure with JDBC and DAO support.
    – Web: Web/Application Context, Multi-Part resolver, and web utilities
    – Context: Application Context, UI support, validation, JNDI, EJB (support & remoting), mail
    – Web MVC: Web Views JSP/Velocity/PDF/Excel

    There is a lot in there … the pieces of interest in this context are the ORM and DAO components. Looking on the web there is a rudimentary Spring IDE plug in for Eclipse already but it measures up fairly short in terms of leaving the user with a starting template from which to build a project. We’d honestly be looking for the higher level transaction support.

    #211416 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I appreciate the detail. Are any more users interested in Spring support?

    ttrostel, you may consider making a sticky poll in the Feature Request forum to see if people are interested.

    #211424 Reply

    Thomas Trostel

    Okay I added the poll but I can’t make anything sticky. Can you do that for me? Thanks


    #211428 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sure, thanks Tom.

    #211511 Reply

    Thomas Trostel

    Wow … people really do read the polls here. Excelent!
    Thanks for making it sticky for me.


    #211514 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No problem.

    #211580 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    I appreciate the detail. Are any more users interested in Spring support?

    I’ve been experimenting with Spring and I’d go so far as to say that anyone starting a new J2EE type project who doesn’t use Spring (at least for the DAO/persistence layer) is making a big mistake. The investment in learning how to use it has paid itself back many times already and my project is very young.
    I’d say Rod Johnson’s new book “J2ee development without ejb” is on par with Martin Fowler’s “Refactoring” and Joshua Bloch’s “Effective Java” (my top 3 java book recommendations) . It basically goes through all the factors that influence the design of Spring and the how’s and why’s of the framework.

    That said, there already exists an open source plugin ( http://www.springframework.org/spring-ide/eclipse/ ) and the Spring configuration is quite simple.. all I really need is a skookum XML editor.

    #211585 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I find your comments very interesting as I did just start a project and the DAO/persistent layer is sucking up my time like crazy… so it seems now is a good time for me to try Spring 😉

    #240920 Reply



    I’ve also just started exploring the use of Spring for my web application development, after getting quadmired in Struts+Hibernate for some time.

    Just an observation:
    MyEclipse allows for adding of Spring capabilities, where you can add the Spring libraries to your web project. However it doesn’t seem to add these physically to WEB-INF/lib folder. All it does is to add these libraries to the build path?

    Or am I missing something here? Would be happy to see a good Spring plugin in MyEclipse!

    #240921 Reply

    @everbright wrote:


    I’ve also just started exploring the use of Spring for my web application development, after getting quadmired in Struts+Hibernate for some time.

    Just an observation:
    MyEclipse allows for adding of Spring capabilities, where you can add the Spring libraries to your web project. However it doesn’t seem to add these physically to WEB-INF/lib folder. All it does is to add these libraries to the build path?

    Or am I missing something here? Would be happy to see a good Spring plugin in MyEclipse!

    You can do either way. If you want to have your Jars copied to the project you should select “Copy checked library contents to project folder” radiobutton.

    #240969 Reply


    Ah… right. Blind! Thanks for the direction, Eugene 🙂

    I have one suggestion for not just the Spring capability but others (e.g. Struts) capability as well.

    Noticed that there doesn’t seem to be any “Remove capability” function. I’ve seen post on this issue before, and understand that this is because it’s hard to decide what needs to be removed after a capability is added since user may have customized the capability already since addition.

    Some have resorted to editing the backend MyEclipse project configuration to remove the nature from the project.

    How about doing this for a “Remove capability” function?
    1) Give option for user to decide whether or not to remove libraries/jars/taglib specific to the capability from buildpath/WEB-INF/lib. This will leave the option open to the user if he wants to retain any customizations to the capability, while removing the nature.

    2) Allow users to customize which JARs to retain. This is to cater for multi-capability (e.g. Struts+Hibernate) projects, where some JARs are overlapped, and these JARs need to be kept for the other capability.
    It will be great if these can be auto-detected!

    3) Remove the nature from the project configuration file. This allows users to “re-add” the capability if they need to later.
    This is extremely helpful for Spring, because some times, I may want to add on more Spring libraries to a existing Spring-enabled project, and because the Add Spring capability function is no longer available, I can’t do that anymore. The best I can do is to manually copy these to WEB-INF/lib folder.

    Alternatively, maybe for Spring capability, you should leave the “Add Spring functionality open” always, regardless of whether it’s already “Spring-enabled”?

    Just some suggestions…

    #240979 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    everbright I’m going to break your suggestions up and send them to the appropriate teams, thank you for taking the time to list them out in detail.

    #241013 Reply


    Thank YOU for taking note of our suggestions 🙂

    Always a pleasure to suggest… you are the guys who’s on the tough end of this, you know 😉

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    everbright I’m going to break your suggestions up and send them to the appropriate teams, thank you for taking the time to list them out in detail.

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